- Manus Commentary
- · Manus 2000-2002 development plan
read Stephen P. Pokawin
- · "Manus into the year 2000" - Radio Manus Program Series
read Stephen P. Pokawin
- Manus Identity
- · The Flag Design
read Luke Bulei, flag designer comments
- · The Flag Design - Criticism
read Critics' comments
read The Flag - A True Manus Symbol
- Manus - history, culture & society
- · Cultural-history of the people of Nali, Ere, Kele &
- read Pokop of Pohyomou - stories with glossary - Dr. Bernard Minol, UPNG
Special Notes & Announcements
- In Memorium - Bernard Borok - RIP 2003
This week is a sad one for Manus Province and all Manusians as we mourn
the passing away of great Manus character. As a kiap and a high
government official Bernard Borok was the supreme diplomat. He was a
friend to all he served and worked with and was enemy to none.
The news is still not very clear at the moment but I understand Bernard
passed away on Wednesday 5 February at the Lorengau General Hospital. I
also understand a state funeral is being arranged for him in Lorengau
before he is laid to rest.
Our condolences go to his family and loved ones.
May He Rest In Peace.
Bernard Minol, University of Papua New Guinea [minolbs@upng.ac.pg]
Friday, 7 February 2003 9:01
Frequently Asked Questions About Manus
- Question: Where did the name "Manus" come from?
- Answer:
"To the best of my knowledge from my previous understandings and refering to anthropological books, the name Manus is a traditional name for a group of fishing people who inhabilt coastal areas of Manus Island.
The name Manus differentiates them from other groups with differing customs and languages.
Margaret Mead, the anthropologist, in her book Growing up in New Guinea stayed and studied Manus people. There is also a book put out by the Alfred Buhler collection, Museum der Kulturen, Basel, called An Ethnology of the Admiralty Islanders which also may be of interest.
These people were good seafarers and traders. There is a traditional story that they arrive in the Admiralty Islands some hundred of years ago sailing in 200 canoes from the east...
[Q.R. in response to email question from Germany by a person with surname "Manus"]
Oldest and main church at the ECOM
Evangelical Church of Manus *(ECOM)
Headquarters at Lugos Mission Station
- Manusians - the people & places

- · Home - villages & towns
Kali and area
- · 2007 News - 10 room guest house in Lorengau, Kali undergoing guest house on Kali
Island is closed for extensive renovations.
- · Diaspora - where in the world?
- Living Healthy & Happier Lives
- Medical Research & Effective Meditation Technigues
- Community Building & Development Programs
- Kali Shelter Building & Community Development Projects
- Who is ManusIsland.com?
- · The Editorial Reference Group for this website is made up of
respected Manusians and friends of Manus and PNG who have served the province and country as
teachers, librarians, university professors, medical-health professionals, politicians and web publishers.
- · E-mail John Evans UPNG Bookshop & Web Support
- see also
- · go to see Maps of Papua New Guinea showing location of Manus Island / Province
- · Papua New Guinea Books Useful Articles & Information
More Photos of Manus
- see also photos of Manus taken in 1972 by Mr. Dan Davis who
"...in the US Navy and while aboard the USS Arnold J. Isbell (DD-869)
... visited Manus Island" www.ussarnolddjisbell.com
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property of the original/licensed creators of the materials on this site unless otherwise noted.
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